elon musk指狗狗币创办人的程序代码连12岁孩子都不如 – 十轮网-九游会官网真人游戏第一品牌

spacex创办人elon musk近日与狗狗币(dogecoin)创办人之一的jackson palmer在twitter掀起骂战。事源palmer公开指musk是擅长伪装的骗子,引来musk反击斥palmer所编写的程序代码连12岁的孩子都不如。

狗狗币(dogecoin)创办人之一的jackson palmer先前接受访问时表示,自己在2018年时写了一段能自动侦测twitter的加密货币骗局并上报的机器人,并将机器人的脚本与spacex创办人elon musk分享。palmer称在两人的对话中发现musk对程序代码的认知不深,甚至连怎样用python的脚本都不知道,指musk是一个擅长伪装的骗子。


my kids wrote better code when they were 12 than the nonsense script jackson sent me.

like i said, if it’s so great, he should share it with the world and make everyone’s experience with twitter better. if he does, you will see what i mean.

jackson palmer is a tool.

—elon musk (@elonmusk)may 31, 2022


you’re humble bro.

billy’s sense of humor & irreverence is a big part of why people love dogecoin.

—elon musk (@elonmusk)may 31, 2022

数据源:business insider
